The missing link in my current life was the lack of friends my own age. I realized this only this past weekend. It’s funny how there are things missing in your life that you are not really aware of until you get them in your life.
I spend most of my time with young children, middle aged neighbors with families, and older women nuns. I love all these people in my life but I’ve missed the ease of relating to people who are at the same stage in life. When I work at the Health Center the staff is around my age but we are usually so busy it isn’t the same as spending time with friends.
Last Saturday night I went to a graduation party for Suzan, a midwife/nurse at the health center. She just graduated from mid-wife school. I went with Margaret, another nurse, Charles, a doctor and Deo and Dan, two volunteer community health workers. Deo and Dan also have other full time jobs and volunteer for the same CBO (community based organization) that I do. We had a great time at the party just eating, dancing, and laughing together. That’s what friendships are all about, right? It was so comfortable and normal feeling. I felt 25 again.
A new goal of mine is to be more intentional about spending time with these friends. And I’m starting tomorrow with Margaret coming to lunch:)
Nice dress.